4 Day Painting Workshop w/ Todd Bonita

4 Day painting workshop w/ Todd Bonita $450
June 23 - 26, 2025 (Mon - Thurs).
(limit 14)
* You may also like Monhegan Island July workshop, July 7 - 10, 2025. (Mon thru Thurs. Contact for details / registration).
Monhegan Island has been an artist colony for more than 150 years, a favorite of great artists like Edward Hopper, Winslow Homer, Rockwell Kent and The Wyeths. They came for the light, the quiet calm in the atmosphere and it’s leisurely rhythm. In this workshop we carry on this great tradition and paint the Islands landscape en plein air, gathering at various locations around the village, lighthouse, small coves and craggy coast.
Painting from life outdoors is regarded as the best way to train your eye how to really see like an artist and accurately represent natures light, form, color and atmosphere on a two dimensional surface. Through demonstration, discussion and critique, we will simplify the outdoor painting process. Emphasis will be on capturing the changing light, composition and technique. This is a relaxed workshop and all levels are welcome.
Call or email to reserve:
[email protected]
(603) 819-9100.
Scroll down below for information about Supply list, Traveling, Accommodations, Eating and more on Monhegan Island...
4 Day painting workshop w/ Todd Bonita $450
June 23 - 26, 2025 (Mon - Thurs).
(limit 14)
* You may also like Monhegan Island July workshop, July 7 - 10, 2025. (Mon thru Thurs. Contact for details / registration).
Monhegan Island has been an artist colony for more than 150 years, a favorite of great artists like Edward Hopper, Winslow Homer, Rockwell Kent and The Wyeths. They came for the light, the quiet calm in the atmosphere and it’s leisurely rhythm. In this workshop we carry on this great tradition and paint the Islands landscape en plein air, gathering at various locations around the village, lighthouse, small coves and craggy coast.
Painting from life outdoors is regarded as the best way to train your eye how to really see like an artist and accurately represent natures light, form, color and atmosphere on a two dimensional surface. Through demonstration, discussion and critique, we will simplify the outdoor painting process. Emphasis will be on capturing the changing light, composition and technique. This is a relaxed workshop and all levels are welcome.
Call or email to reserve:
[email protected]
(603) 819-9100.
Scroll down below for information about Supply list, Traveling, Accommodations, Eating and more on Monhegan Island...

The cost of the Monhegan Island 4 day workshop is $450.00 US and includes the workshop only. Participants are responsible for their own accommodations, transportation and meals. To reserve your space please
* email Todd Bonita at [email protected]
* or call (603) 819-9100
We accept
* Credit cards & Pay Pal (add 3.6%)
* Venmo (add 2%)
* Checks and (cash for teachers pet) accepted. If paying by check, please mail a $200 deposit check made out to Todd Bonita and mail it to my house:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
Please write, "Bonita Monhegan workshop" in the memo on the check.
This reservation fee of $200.00 is non-refundable if cancelled less than sixty days before the workshop. Please pay in full the remaining $250.00 balance no later than thirty days before the workshop.
The cost of the Monhegan Island 4 day workshop is $450.00 US and includes the workshop only. Participants are responsible for their own accommodations, transportation and meals. To reserve your space please
* email Todd Bonita at [email protected]
* or call (603) 819-9100
We accept
* Credit cards & Pay Pal (add 3.6%)
* Venmo (add 2%)
* Checks and (cash for teachers pet) accepted. If paying by check, please mail a $200 deposit check made out to Todd Bonita and mail it to my house:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
Please write, "Bonita Monhegan workshop" in the memo on the check.
This reservation fee of $200.00 is non-refundable if cancelled less than sixty days before the workshop. Please pay in full the remaining $250.00 balance no later than thirty days before the workshop.

I have blocked rooms at the The Monhegan House and I will be staying there. Breakfast is included in room rate. Tell them you are with the Todd Bonita workshop. This is where we will meet most mornings at 9:00 after breakfast.
(Reservations begin on January 1st, best rooms go first so call soon).
There are other great choices and most places are within easy-peasy walking distance to the village.
(*Click on desired location below to go to their web sight)
Monhegan House - (207) 594-7983
John Sterling Harbor House 518-791-2838
Tribler Cottage (Apartments)- 1-207-594-2445
Trailing Yew - 1-207-596-0440
Shining Sails Bed and Breakfast- 1-207-596-0041
Island Inn - 1-207-596-0371
Brackett's Oar House, Call: 207-594-9151
Fish beach rentals (207) 594-9151
*Also see for additional accommodations and island info.
In 2007 the Monhegan House added two more rooms (suites), that have their own bathrooms and a deck... a little more money, but if you like having yourown bathroom, they are perfect.
E-mail Holden W. Nelson: [email protected]
The *Trailing Yew* includes breakfast and dinner... family season rates as well...The *Island Inn* is the fanciest...most $s...It's the only Inn with some private bathrooms
I have blocked rooms at the The Monhegan House and I will be staying there. Breakfast is included in room rate. Tell them you are with the Todd Bonita workshop. This is where we will meet most mornings at 9:00 after breakfast.
(Reservations begin on January 1st, best rooms go first so call soon).
There are other great choices and most places are within easy-peasy walking distance to the village.
(*Click on desired location below to go to their web sight)
Monhegan House - (207) 594-7983
John Sterling Harbor House 518-791-2838
Tribler Cottage (Apartments)- 1-207-594-2445
Trailing Yew - 1-207-596-0440
Shining Sails Bed and Breakfast- 1-207-596-0041
Island Inn - 1-207-596-0371
Brackett's Oar House, Call: 207-594-9151
Fish beach rentals (207) 594-9151
*Also see for additional accommodations and island info.
In 2007 the Monhegan House added two more rooms (suites), that have their own bathrooms and a deck... a little more money, but if you like having yourown bathroom, they are perfect.
E-mail Holden W. Nelson: [email protected]
The *Trailing Yew* includes breakfast and dinner... family season rates as well...The *Island Inn* is the fanciest...most $s...It's the only Inn with some private bathrooms

Passengers only
Parking Available
Details must be verified with the Companies
(There are three options for Ferries to and from Monhegan Island. I drive up to Port Clyde and take the Ferry there myself but the other two options are perfectly good ones. Parking is about $5 per day at Port Clyde and safe. There is a gift shop and restaurant rite there at the dock. Last year we bought fresh cooked lobsters on the pier from lobstermen for $3 each...we inhaled them).
Monhegan Island boat line:
(The largest number of trips run from Port Clyde each day).
1 (207) 372-8848
Coastal Rte 1 to Rte 131 South
Departs Port Clyde 7:00 am*
Departs Monhegan 9:00 am*
Departs Port Clyde 10:30 am
Departs Monhegan 12:30 pm
Departs Port Clyde 3 pm
Departs Monhegan 4:30 pm
* Except Sundays in May/June, September/October
60 minutes journey time
Boothbay Harbor - The Balmy Days III
1 (207) 633-2284
1 (800) 298-2284
Coastal Rte 1 to Rte 27 South
Departs Boothbay 9:30 am
Departs Monhegan 2:45 pm
85 minutes journey time
New Harbor, Maine - The Hardy Boat
1 (207) 677-2026
1 (800) 2-PUFFIN
Coastal Rte 1 to Business Rte 1 (Damariscotta) to Rte 130
Departs New Harbor 9:00 am and 2:00 pm*
Departs Monhegan 10:15 am* and 3:15 pm
*May 28-31, June 25 - Sept. 26, then Fri.-Sun. until and including Columbus Day
60 minute journey time
Also check out:
Passengers only
Parking Available
Details must be verified with the Companies
(There are three options for Ferries to and from Monhegan Island. I drive up to Port Clyde and take the Ferry there myself but the other two options are perfectly good ones. Parking is about $5 per day at Port Clyde and safe. There is a gift shop and restaurant rite there at the dock. Last year we bought fresh cooked lobsters on the pier from lobstermen for $3 each...we inhaled them).
Monhegan Island boat line:
(The largest number of trips run from Port Clyde each day).
1 (207) 372-8848
Coastal Rte 1 to Rte 131 South
Departs Port Clyde 7:00 am*
Departs Monhegan 9:00 am*
Departs Port Clyde 10:30 am
Departs Monhegan 12:30 pm
Departs Port Clyde 3 pm
Departs Monhegan 4:30 pm
* Except Sundays in May/June, September/October
60 minutes journey time
Boothbay Harbor - The Balmy Days III
1 (207) 633-2284
1 (800) 298-2284
Coastal Rte 1 to Rte 27 South
Departs Boothbay 9:30 am
Departs Monhegan 2:45 pm
85 minutes journey time
New Harbor, Maine - The Hardy Boat
1 (207) 677-2026
1 (800) 2-PUFFIN
Coastal Rte 1 to Business Rte 1 (Damariscotta) to Rte 130
Departs New Harbor 9:00 am and 2:00 pm*
Departs Monhegan 10:15 am* and 3:15 pm
*May 28-31, June 25 - Sept. 26, then Fri.-Sun. until and including Columbus Day
60 minute journey time
Also check out:

(Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack and hit the trail. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
(Click here for an illustrated page detailing my Plein air kit).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for smaller work, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. I use a $35 photographers tripod I bought at Wall Mart. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette. I have glass too for one of my boxes...try to avoid paper pallets.
*(I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
Alkyd White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is by C.A.S. Alkyd Pro)
Titanium White
Cad Yellow
Yellow ochre
Alizeran Crimson
Cadmium Red
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue or Cerulean Blue
Burnt Sienna
Greenish Umber (By Rembrandt), Olive Green or Terre Vert (*Optional)
Viridian (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
raw or burnt umber (*Optional)
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...(Bring enough for two paintings each day.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin and pallet cup
Gamsol (Turpentine substitute) with container or medium glass jar
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Soft pencil, eraser and sketchbook
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block
Bug spray
If you are uncomfortable standing you may consider a portable folding chair
Wheeled caddy for supplies if necessary
(Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack and hit the trail. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
(Click here for an illustrated page detailing my Plein air kit).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for smaller work, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. I use a $35 photographers tripod I bought at Wall Mart. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette. I have glass too for one of my boxes...try to avoid paper pallets.
*(I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
Alkyd White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is by C.A.S. Alkyd Pro)
Titanium White
Cad Yellow
Yellow ochre
Alizeran Crimson
Cadmium Red
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue or Cerulean Blue
Burnt Sienna
Greenish Umber (By Rembrandt), Olive Green or Terre Vert (*Optional)
Viridian (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
raw or burnt umber (*Optional)
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...(Bring enough for two paintings each day.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin and pallet cup
Gamsol (Turpentine substitute) with container or medium glass jar
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Soft pencil, eraser and sketchbook
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block
Bug spray
If you are uncomfortable standing you may consider a portable folding chair
Wheeled caddy for supplies if necessary

Q: What is the Itinerary?
Day 1: is a travel day for some taking the morning ferry so we will meet at 12pm in front of the Monhegan house with your art supplies. We will get aquainted, I will provide handouts, lecture and demo, and we will paint until 5pm.
Day 2 & 3, we will meet on the porch of the Monhegan House at 9am each morning after breakfast. we will make our way to our painting site, there will be a painting demonstration and we will paint until 1pm. During the day, I will come around to each student and offer suggestions and answers to request for assistance.
Day 4: The last ferry leaves before 5, so we will be sure and wrap up in time to make it. Typically, we paint until about 1pm and then make our way to the ferry area for coffee, buying gifts and simply settling before the ride back.
Q: Is this workshop appropriate for beginners.
A: Yes. This is a relaxed workshop appropriate for beginners to experienced painters. By relaxed, I do not mean a painting vacation, on the contrary, it is packed with information and you will learn a lot. It is relaxed in that you are welcome to go at your own pace and not to feel like you have to keep up with others. We typically have beginners, and / or a number of artist who have never painted outside before, in addition to some moderate to more experienced painters. Its a good mix of an extremely supportive group of like-minded painters trying to solve the same problems.
Q: Is there a lot of walking?
A: There is light to moderate walking required to get to some of our painting locations, appropriate footwear is suggested. It is also recommended to pack light painting gear. On occasions, an island local will drive us to the lighthouse or other locations with all of our gear for $5 per person.
Q: What if I wanted to use Water mixable oil paints?
A: This workshop is relaxed and appropriate for Water mixable oils, pastels, acrylics, watercolor or even sketching. Instruction will include discussion of the principles of art, seeing like an artist and picture making. These lessons are applicable to any medium. I will be working and demonstrating in oil paints so you will definitely benefit the most from using oil paints yourself.
Q: What if it rains?
A: We will sing songs with the word rain in it. Painting options include working under the covered porch at the Trailing Yew or, on occasion, the owners of the Fish store at Fish beach will sometimes put up a tarp that we are welcome to paint under. This can also be a great opportunity to paint indoors at the Monhegan Inn and practice turning your outdoor studies into finished studio works.
Q: What is the Itinerary?
Day 1: is a travel day for some taking the morning ferry so we will meet at 12pm in front of the Monhegan house with your art supplies. We will get aquainted, I will provide handouts, lecture and demo, and we will paint until 5pm.
Day 2 & 3, we will meet on the porch of the Monhegan House at 9am each morning after breakfast. we will make our way to our painting site, there will be a painting demonstration and we will paint until 1pm. During the day, I will come around to each student and offer suggestions and answers to request for assistance.
Day 4: The last ferry leaves before 5, so we will be sure and wrap up in time to make it. Typically, we paint until about 1pm and then make our way to the ferry area for coffee, buying gifts and simply settling before the ride back.
Q: Is this workshop appropriate for beginners.
A: Yes. This is a relaxed workshop appropriate for beginners to experienced painters. By relaxed, I do not mean a painting vacation, on the contrary, it is packed with information and you will learn a lot. It is relaxed in that you are welcome to go at your own pace and not to feel like you have to keep up with others. We typically have beginners, and / or a number of artist who have never painted outside before, in addition to some moderate to more experienced painters. Its a good mix of an extremely supportive group of like-minded painters trying to solve the same problems.
Q: Is there a lot of walking?
A: There is light to moderate walking required to get to some of our painting locations, appropriate footwear is suggested. It is also recommended to pack light painting gear. On occasions, an island local will drive us to the lighthouse or other locations with all of our gear for $5 per person.
Q: What if I wanted to use Water mixable oil paints?
A: This workshop is relaxed and appropriate for Water mixable oils, pastels, acrylics, watercolor or even sketching. Instruction will include discussion of the principles of art, seeing like an artist and picture making. These lessons are applicable to any medium. I will be working and demonstrating in oil paints so you will definitely benefit the most from using oil paints yourself.
Q: What if it rains?
A: We will sing songs with the word rain in it. Painting options include working under the covered porch at the Trailing Yew or, on occasion, the owners of the Fish store at Fish beach will sometimes put up a tarp that we are welcome to paint under. This can also be a great opportunity to paint indoors at the Monhegan Inn and practice turning your outdoor studies into finished studio works.