January 17 - 18, 2026 (Saturday - Sunday)
($300) workshop only with Todd Bonita.
Contact: Heidi Cowen (441) 535-9169
Call Todd to Register: (603) 819-9100
or email: [email protected]
Im honored to host this offering with the Bermuda Art Center for a two day, Plein air painting intensive.
We will gather with our paint boxes on exotic palmy coastlines with turquoise shores, venerable architecture and unique, timeless landscape. We will follow in the shadowy footsteps of Winslow Homer, capturing the color and spirit of this romantically alluring location.
Our focus will be to simplify the outdoor painting process using an Impressionist philosophy of creating paintings in three parts; (1) Lay -in. (2) Modification layer and (3) Art infused crescendo. There will be a daily demonstration and discussions on composition, design, value and capturing light and atmosphere in your paintings. Beginners, experienced artist and those who have never painted before are welcome to join this supportive and spirited group.
* $300 for workshop only.
* $150 for one day.
* Option to join our group over the following four days after the workshop to paint for a day, two, three or all four (January 19 - 22). ($125 per day or $100 per day if you registered for the two day intensive). Or all four days, January 19 -22 = $475. (10% off for Bermuda Art center members).
* Painting days will include, demostrations, lectures, handouts, (art tool gifts), side-by-side easel assistance and critique.
* Critiques are Objective (NOT subjective) and based on Academic principles and the seven elements of picture making. The purpose of critique has nothing to do with wether or not I like your painting, that is subjective, ego based and not helpful to the painter seeking real growth, rather, we provide a simple and concrete objective criteria, detailing three specific elements to achieve artistic growth; (1) Whats working and why. (2) Whats not working and why. (3) How to fix whats not working.
* Contact: Heidi Cowen (441) 535-9169
* or Call Todd (603) 819-9100. or email: [email protected]
* ($100) deposit will hold your space. (Non-refundable if cancelled after 30 days before workshop).
* Make your deposit check out to: Todd Bonita and mail to:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
* Please write, "Bermuda Art Center workshop" in the check memo.
* Balance due two weeks before workshop.
* We also accept CC, Venmo, Pay Pal or cash for teachers pet.
BERMUDA CHECKLIST (Scroll below to review detailed list of the following)
* Art Supply list
* Itinerary
* F.A.Q.
* Extra Stuff
January 17 - 18, 2026 (Saturday - Sunday)
($300) workshop only with Todd Bonita.
Contact: Heidi Cowen (441) 535-9169
Call Todd to Register: (603) 819-9100
or email: [email protected]
Im honored to host this offering with the Bermuda Art Center for a two day, Plein air painting intensive.
We will gather with our paint boxes on exotic palmy coastlines with turquoise shores, venerable architecture and unique, timeless landscape. We will follow in the shadowy footsteps of Winslow Homer, capturing the color and spirit of this romantically alluring location.
Our focus will be to simplify the outdoor painting process using an Impressionist philosophy of creating paintings in three parts; (1) Lay -in. (2) Modification layer and (3) Art infused crescendo. There will be a daily demonstration and discussions on composition, design, value and capturing light and atmosphere in your paintings. Beginners, experienced artist and those who have never painted before are welcome to join this supportive and spirited group.
* $300 for workshop only.
* $150 for one day.
* Option to join our group over the following four days after the workshop to paint for a day, two, three or all four (January 19 - 22). ($125 per day or $100 per day if you registered for the two day intensive). Or all four days, January 19 -22 = $475. (10% off for Bermuda Art center members).
* Painting days will include, demostrations, lectures, handouts, (art tool gifts), side-by-side easel assistance and critique.
* Critiques are Objective (NOT subjective) and based on Academic principles and the seven elements of picture making. The purpose of critique has nothing to do with wether or not I like your painting, that is subjective, ego based and not helpful to the painter seeking real growth, rather, we provide a simple and concrete objective criteria, detailing three specific elements to achieve artistic growth; (1) Whats working and why. (2) Whats not working and why. (3) How to fix whats not working.
* Contact: Heidi Cowen (441) 535-9169
* or Call Todd (603) 819-9100. or email: [email protected]
* ($100) deposit will hold your space. (Non-refundable if cancelled after 30 days before workshop).
* Make your deposit check out to: Todd Bonita and mail to:
Todd Bonita
28 McShane Ave
Greenland, NH 03840
* Please write, "Bermuda Art Center workshop" in the check memo.
* Balance due two weeks before workshop.
* We also accept CC, Venmo, Pay Pal or cash for teachers pet.
BERMUDA CHECKLIST (Scroll below to review detailed list of the following)
* Art Supply list
* Itinerary
* F.A.Q.
* Extra Stuff

* I am happy to share a list of the tools and materials I use to make paintings but I will never presume that my choices are the best for everyone. They work for me and my methods and I will share it all. I will also share tools and material philosophy and assist you in finding supplies that are best suited for the way you see, think and create as an artist. Please feel free to bring what you have used to make paintings and see below my personal list.
(Click here to go to an illustrated page of my Plein air painting supplies)
(Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 8x10" or 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for traveling, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette....try to avoid paper pallets.
*(SPLIT PRIMARY PALETTE. I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few optional extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
Alkyd White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is Griffin Alkyds by Winsor & Newton)
Titanium White
Cad Yellow
Yellow ochre
Alizeran Crimson permanant
Cadmium Red medium
Ultramarine Blue
Cerulean Blue **(Particularly for Bermuda)
Thalo Turquoise **(Lets have some fun..this is a Bermuda luxury color!!!)
Burnt Sienna
Sap green (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
raw umber (*Optional)
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...For a travel workshop like this, I will likely limit myself to only one or two sizes, like 8x10" and / or 9x12". This will simplify my wet carrier system as well.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin ***You cannot travel with Liquin or solvents*** You can order from the art supply store a and delivered to your hotel.
Gamsol ***You cannot travel w/ Gamsol or Solvents*** I will provide Gamsol when you get there on the island.
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block
* I am happy to share a list of the tools and materials I use to make paintings but I will never presume that my choices are the best for everyone. They work for me and my methods and I will share it all. I will also share tools and material philosophy and assist you in finding supplies that are best suited for the way you see, think and create as an artist. Please feel free to bring what you have used to make paintings and see below my personal list.
(Click here to go to an illustrated page of my Plein air painting supplies)
(Think light weight and portable, find creative ways to simplify...I manage to pack everything below in a back pack. I get most of my supplies online at ASW, Jerrys Artarama, Dick Blick, Cheap Joes or Utrecht).
Portable Easel
French easel, half box easel or Pochade box for working outside.
(I use the 8x10" or 10x12" Open Box M system and sometimes the 6x8" Guerilla box for traveling, both are mounted to a photographers tripod. If you prefer the French easels, go with the lighter and smaller Jullian Half box easel. Last year I also bought the Cadillac of outdoor easels, The Soletek easel. It's not cheap, I bought mine used on Ebay. You might check Ebay or try "All of Craigslist" search for whatever easel you decide to go with. * Here is a terrific article on Pochade Box reviews from the popular Lines and Colors blog. This will give you a thorough understanding of whats available and best for you. Click here.
I recommend a wood palette....try to avoid paper pallets.
*(SPLIT PRIMARY PALETTE. I recommend a minimal palette of a warm and cool version of the three primaries plus white (with maybe a few optional extras)....Please spend the extra for professional grade paints. I use Williamsburg, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Utrecht but there are many good options.)
Alkyd White (Alkyd is a quick dry paint that plays nice with oils. For brands, Gamblin, DaVinci and my favorite is Griffin Alkyds by Winsor & Newton)
Titanium White
Cad Yellow
Yellow ochre
Alizeran Crimson permanant
Cadmium Red medium
Ultramarine Blue
Cerulean Blue **(Particularly for Bermuda)
Thalo Turquoise **(Lets have some fun..this is a Bermuda luxury color!!!)
Burnt Sienna
Sap green (*Optional)
Ivory black (*Optional)
raw umber (*Optional)
Painting surface
Canvas, canvas or linen mounted on board or gessoed wood panel (sizes can range from 6x8” to 14x18” but I would not go larger)...For a travel workshop like this, I will likely limit myself to only one or two sizes, like 8x10" and / or 9x12". This will simplify my wet carrier system as well.
*Assortment of bristle brushes (I suggest large, medium and small in three styles: Flats, Rounds and Filberts. I mostly use Robert Simmons Signet series flats #3, #6 and #10)
*One or two Royal sable flats in medium and large sizes (size 10 or 16) for blending and softening edges (I prefer Langnickel.)
*Small synthetic rounds for details. (I suggest Winsor and Newton Septre Gold 2 in the 404 series...size 4 and / or size 6)
Trowel type Pallet knife
liquin ***You cannot travel with Liquin or solvents*** You can order from the art supply store a and delivered to your hotel.
Gamsol ***You cannot travel w/ Gamsol or Solvents*** I will provide Gamsol when you get there on the island.
paper towels (Blue shop towels are the best)
Ruler, straight edge or a mahl stick (something to make straight lines with is handy)
A Veiwfinder: Important! Whether homemade or store bought, it must be adjustable or proportionate to your canvases. Viewcatcher is ideal.
Artist paint box or back pack for supplies
Wet paint carrier. I love the PanelPaks...they are lightweight and convenient.
*Appropriate clothing for outdoor weather and conditions.
Water bottle or something to drink, snack
Sun block

Meet from 9 -4 daily on site unless otherwise noted.
Call Todd (603) 819-9100
Location to be determined. I will begin the day with introductions, hand outs, a conversation about expectations and outdoor painting and a lecture on Impressionist philosophy, followed by a demostration. Break for lunch or snack and paint rite through the day while I provide side-by-side easel assistance and critique.
You will have an opportunity to learn a lot. I provide academic principles that have been passed down for more than 600 years, both direct and inderect methods, ideas, techniques and philosophies. I will provide handouts for take away and a few gifts (Tools to help you see and think like an artist). We will go deep and cover a tremendous amount of material.
Location to be determined. This mornings lecture and demonstration will be based organically on the collective results of our first day painting together. Most painters experience visual problem solving challenges in one or more of four primary areas; (1) Design. (2) Drawing (3) Values or (4) Color. We will address specific strategies to equipt you with the tools to resolve and practice habits to overcome and grow in these areas. This will be great fun and Im excited to paint and share with you all. It will be nice to see Toppy the dog again too!
Call Todd (603) 819-9100
Location to be determined. I will begin the day with introductions, hand outs, a conversation about expectations and outdoor painting and a lecture on Impressionist philosophy, followed by a demostration. Break for lunch or snack and paint rite through the day while I provide side-by-side easel assistance and critique.
You will have an opportunity to learn a lot. I provide academic principles that have been passed down for more than 600 years, both direct and inderect methods, ideas, techniques and philosophies. I will provide handouts for take away and a few gifts (Tools to help you see and think like an artist). We will go deep and cover a tremendous amount of material.
Location to be determined. This mornings lecture and demonstration will be based organically on the collective results of our first day painting together. Most painters experience visual problem solving challenges in one or more of four primary areas; (1) Design. (2) Drawing (3) Values or (4) Color. We will address specific strategies to equipt you with the tools to resolve and practice habits to overcome and grow in these areas. This will be great fun and Im excited to paint and share with you all. It will be nice to see Toppy the dog again too!
F. A. Q . ( Frequently Asked Questions )
What do we do if it rains? We have a few indoor facility options to paint at in the event of inclement weather. I have several indoor, studio art exercises and assignments that are educational and fun.
2018 Workshop Photos: A collection of images and video from our Inaugural voyage. CLICK HERE:

CLICK HERE to see our You Tube video of our Bermuda painting retreat.